sexta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2009

The arrival of our baby boy- Rafael William

Hi Everyone,

A friend of mine sends an email once a month with an update of her little one, and so I thought it would be nice to do the same and share our experiences and memorable moments with friends and family. Since I didn’t do one at 1 month this one will count for the first 2 months of his life!

Rafael William Torres Bueno was born on Friday, May 22 (2 weeks early) at 14:06 at Casa de Saude Laranjeiras (Perinatal). It was a normal birth and relatively quick (although I would not say painless). He was born weighing 3,095kgs and measuring 46cms (although later we were told that it was probably more like 48cms). Those of you who know my mum will know that she works travelling around Brasil for a few months every year. On May 22nd she landed in Rio at 6:30am after finishing her group, at 7:00am I called her to ask her what contractions felt like…7:30 my water broke and we were all go to get to the hospital (totally not ready…I thought I still had 2 weeks to make the final arrangements)!! God is soooo good, because this was a moment that I wanted to share with my mum and I still can`t believe how it happened the very day she was back in Rio!

Saturday evening we were back home with our new arrival and our first night alone with him. The night was certainly memorable…we went to sleep at 5am…after changing 4 dirty nappies and trying to understand each new cry! Mum and Dad arrived the next day and gave us a couple of hours rest…they are more than a blessing!

At 2 weeks Rafael had his first Dr.’s appointment and was weighing 3,075kgs (babies lose weight before they start to gain it) and measuring 50cms. That night he choked and stopped breathing for 30 seconds, which seemed like an eternity!! It was the longest 30 seconds of my life and I cried for 2 hours afterwards. It was a very emotional moment, but thank God he is fine and it was only a fright! As I am sure everyone knows newborn babies just sleep, eat, poo, puke, cry in loop,so for the first month this was pretty much the routine! At 3 weeks Rafael went to Guapimirim (where my parents bought a new house to be closer) and since then has been almost every week and he loves it because Nana and Grandpa spoil him rotten! Unfortuntely little Rafael suffers from colic, nothing out of the usual and his daily exercises help lots. At his 1 month checkup our little package was not so little…he was weighing 4,140kgs and measuring 55cms!!!! He had put on over 1 kilo…we were very impressed! He is a very strong little boy and loves to kick his legs and try and hold his head.

At around 5 weeks Rafael started to smile…they say it is involuntary, but I have to disagree!! Rafael smiles when you talk to him and he already recognises my voice, which is priceless! He LOVES his vibrating chair (thank you Fisher Price) and it gives me time to get things done around the house (washing, cooking etc)- (I have a cleaner one day a week to help me out). Over the past 2 weeks he has discovered his hands and is starting to suck hand, fingers, thumbs, or anything that he can get close to his mouth! He is smiling more and more every day and sometimes you can even get a giggle if you are very lucky! He has also started making cooing noises and loves it when you talk to him! He is a very easy baby and will only complain when he has colic, which has improved significantly over the past couple of weeks! He is very stubborn (just like me) and will make it very clear to you when he doesn`t like something…he makes a grunting noise until you figure out what he doesn`t like! hahaha! He also loves watching the TV, and giggled quite a bit last week when he watched Dr. Seuss -The Cat in the Hat! It was hilarious to watch his concentration! He is also starting to enjoy both time and loves to stretch out his legs against the inflatable duck bath that we have in Guapimirim. This past week he has started to sleep through the night…which is AMAZING!! He will go to bed around 22:00 (after having his evening bath) and around 23:20 I feed him whilst he is still sleeping and then he`ll sleep right through until around 6:30/7:30!!! Yesterday he had his 2 month party and it was lovely to have Great Uncle Paulo Joaquim and Great Auntie Dora who are in Rio on holiday from London, Nana and Grandpa and Great Uncle Paulo Augusto and Auntie Fernanda celebrate with us! On Monday he is going to have his 2 month check up, so I will let you all know weight/measurements next time!!

Thank you to all our friends and family for their prayers, well wishes and visits! We are truly blessed and are enjoying every minute with our little baby boy!!

Lots of Love,

Jess, Giulliano and Rafael

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